Call Now 321-529-1115

Discover why Cornelius Electrical Contractors is the ultimate choice for both homeowners and businesses. Boasting an impressive track record of hundreds of 5-star Google reviews, our exceptional team consistently goes above and beyond to provide top-notch electrical services that surpass expectations.

Call us 321-529-1115

Whether you require assistance with lighting solutions, meticulous electrical inspections, reliable generators, or cutting-edge panels, our highly skilled electricians are always there to assist you. We take great pride in our unwavering commitment to honesty and respect, ensuring that every project is executed to the utmost standard of excellence.

Step into a realm of unparalleled expertise with Cornelius Electrical Contractors – your reliable and trusted partner for all your electrical needs.

Some of our latest reviews:

I had Chad from Cornelius Electric perform some repairs for faulty wiring He was extremely courteous, friendly, professional and expert at his craft. He explained in detail what needed to be done and wasted no time in completing his tasks. He gave me peace of mind, knowing that a qualified professional addressed and corrected the problem. This is my second service from Cornelius Electric and I can honestly say I trust their work. You can’t go wrong using Cornelius Electric.  – Kath Short

Had some issues with faulty outlets in kitchen. Great place to deal with. Customer service scheduled to meet my needs and electricians, both Chad and Justin were prompt, polite and resolved my problem. – Jeannine Hennessy

Five stars go to both Tommy & Jacob, they were here at Palm Lake Estates and did a great job. They arrived on time and were polite and friendly! Thank you to Cornelius Electric!!!! Your electricians are great! – PalmLake Estates